GRAYN Design Studio

GRAYN is a concept, is an idea. Something with GRAYN is an object that has tactile and visual qualities to it. GRAYN is also the source, the drive and the beginning of a creation. We are a group of people (and other creatures), some with a design background, while others are makers by nature, and we have initiated this project to bring our varying yet harmonised visions to reality. To the people around us. At the studio, located in one of the most charming cities, Thessaloniki, we come up with raw ideas, we study them, discuss them, and eventually we [...]


Lumière des Alpes

Seit der Gründung 2018 ist Lumière des Alpes die Marke, welche aussergewöhnliche und exklusive Produkte aus der Welt des Chalet Chic in deine Stube bringt.


Lumière des Alpes GmbH

Since its foundation in 2018, Lumière des Alpes has been the brand that brings exceptional and exclusive products from the world of chalet chic into your living room.



Stylish and contemporary design united with pure craftsmanship and dedication leads you to Ju.



Grödner Holzschnitzkunst seit 1892 DOLFI zaubert seit über 100 Jahren aus diesem herrlichen Naturprodukt traumhafte Holzfiguren und Designer-Möbel, Christbaumschmuck, Engel, Krippenställe und 3D-Puzzle. Aus einem Hobby, das hauptsächlich in den kalten Wintermonaten die Abende füllte, wurde eine Passion, die viele Bewunderer und Anhänger gefunden hat.

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