A Beautiful Story


A Beautiful Story
Since 2006 we have been working day by day towards our dream: a social enterprise. A great international company with a positive impact on the world. Our story began in a silver factory in Nepal. That is where our heart lies and where we will always work. Ultimately, our dream is to produce and sell on every continent. Then we bring together stories from all over the world. And every year we get a little closer to fulfilling that dream.

We should tell each other a story every day, a story to remember, A Beautiful Story.

lucky tools
In our shop you will find jewelry, greeting cards and gifts, with a special value. We call them Lucky Tools – lucky charms: a stone to give strength; a bracelet for luck; a card to give comfort. All our products have a story. For the givers, because they really tell something with their gift. For our artisans, because they build their livelihood with their handicraft.

lucky jobs
Our products are made on the other side of the world. Not by manufacturers far away, but by artisans who are part of us. For them, our products have a very concrete meaning: an adequate income, a roof over their heads, food on the table and independence.

